Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wacky Wednesday

Good Morning, 

      Today is Wacky Wednesday, and you will have a editing sheet to complete. Make sure you look for patterns as we begin this activity. A lot of what we do stays the same. You will have to look for punctuation, capitalization and spelling errors. We will go through it slowly together, but please try to do what you can. I am so glad Mrs. Dick introduced the Parts of Speech yesterday. We will practice again today, but you might see it on our Wacky Wednesday. Ms. Steele starts today. Make sure you help her feel welcomed! Get started on your Morning Math with your Math Team, then complete your assignment book with our standards for the day. 

RL.4- I can read, understand and discuss the fiction stories I read.
W.4- I can produce clear and organized writing.
M4.OA.C.5- I can create and analyze patterns. 

Make every moment count,

Mrs. Lindsey 

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