Thursday, May 29, 2014

Bitter-Sweet Endings...

The end of the year is always a little bitter-sweet for me. This has been one of my favorite, and most memorable, years in teaching. Of all my nine classes, so far, this group has been the most loving, fun and full of life! I have been blessed beyond measure this year. As I reflect back, I couldn't be prouder of their compassion and support for one another. Every year I tell my class, "We are a family!" This year, for the first time, it really does feel like it! They have been such a joy to be around. I am amazed at their academic, social and emotional growth this year. My only hope is that they remain supportive of one another as they transition to this next stage of their lives. Please remember to share their accomplishments and successes as they continue through their lives. Once they are "mine" for a year, they are "mine" for a lifetime! I hope to hear from each and every one of you in the future! Ten years ago I graduated with the hope of touching the lives and hearts of children. I had no idea how much they would touch and change my life and my heart. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It has been a blessing and an honor to have your child in my class this year!

Students: Keep reading this summer! At least 100 minutes a week! Practice those math facts regularly and play games that keep your brain working and learning. You can still log into Study Island, Acuity and portaportal. Use the sites to keep your knowledge fresh for fifth grade. Have a great summer and don't forget to email me! I will miss you all! 

Working together,
Emalie Lindsey 

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