Monday, October 20, 2014

Three Day Weekends ROCK!

Important Dates This Week:

October 22nd- Picture Retakes, 2nd Annual Moveathon

Good Morning,

I hope you enjoyed your three day weekend! I did! We spent Friday at SDC. It was the most beautiful day! Then we headed to Lees Summit, up by Kansas City, to see my sister Becka.  We spent the weekend making cookies, getting pedicures and carving pumpkins! It was a super fun weekend. We are all super tired because no one slept at Aunt Becka's house!

Here are our pumpkins...
Kannon drew this one and I helped carve it.

Rylee's pumpkin. She drew it all by herself and helped carve it.

Rylee drew this one for Daddy to carve. 

This one is mine! :)

This week we are back on track with our ecosystem projects, fraction review and reading groups! We will work more on your ecosystem projects today. I hope you a good plan of how you want to complete your project. Remember, everyone is responsible for their presentation of their task card for the ecosystem. 

In math this week we will continue to review fractions, but we will be working hard on Division skills! I can't wait to see who can ROCK their division! 

Don't forget to record our weekly standards! 

Make every moment count,
Mrs. Lindsey 

Science: I can understand and explain how organisms interact to survive and keep balance in an ecosystem. 
Math: I can complete the process of long division and explain each step. 
Reading: I can use Cause and Effect to help make sense of what is happening in a text. 
Writing: I can use use print and digital resources in research. (Ecosystems project) 

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